Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Final Stop Motion Film

When we were set the task we originally decided to do a music video, and began thinking of songs with particularly strong emotions in. After looking around YouTube for while we decided to do something by 'The Script', and thought the meaning of 'Man who can't be moved' could possibly create a very interesting video, and we all had idea's which we wrote down. After creating an in depth script of what we could do, it was apparent there was not enough time to complete such a long and complicated film, so looked for something else.
Within the original script, we had the idea of moving the camera around the model to create a 360 clip, and developed this to have the camera staying still and the subject moving. We first tried having a hat moving around the models head. To do this we had one person taking the pictures, and one moving the hat, so the pictures would flow better as the model and camera would not have to move and be placed back in a similar position. We then carried on experimenting with what else we could do with a hat and model to create an interesting effect. We then did things such as tying the strings, and having the hat stay in the same position but the model moving.
After this we introduced another model and a different hat, with the same kind of motions going on, and also with hat's running off and onto the models head, ending on the second model with the first hat on.
For the end sequence we have both models in the images, with the opposite hats to what they began with. They then get a bit angry with each other until they get their own hats back and are happy :) We decided on a simple and clear credits, with a black background and white writing in a simple font.
We then added in a piece in the middle for the transition between the changing of models. We printed off the last image of the first model, and the first image of the second. We scrunched up the image of Model One, and then swapped it for the second image so when we unscrunched it, it appeared to be a different image of a new model.
After this was finished we started looking for background music. We came upon a song called 'Cross to Bear' by Tricky. I think this works really well for the video, as the tempo and beat go well with speed of the film, and it creates an atmosphere that doesn't create a confusing and mixed atmosphere. To get the song from YouTube, we used the website 'SaveTube'.
We then created the video and added the soundtrack using iMovie. Each shot is up for 0.4 seconds, and there are 225 shots in total.
There were 5 people in our group, I was the first model, directed the second half of the movie, and took some of the photographs. Katie Dove, was the second model, and was the photographer and helped direct the first half. Kat Alcock, was the director and photographer of the first half. Clair Shepherd, took some of the photographs throughout the movie. Alex Wood, created the end credits.
Overall, we all think the film is a success. I think it flows and blends well, and shows creative ideas. As a  group we worked well together, and the final video shows that.

Health and Safety in the Studio

There are many things to consider when working in the studio, the main points are as follows:

  • Be aware of the tripod
  • Keep all cables as tidy as possible and along the floor, in the most out of the way direction
  • Do not eat or drink within the studio
  • Pay attention to what is going on at all times
  • Be careful when moving heavy equipment
  • Make sure everyone knows if you are changing the lighting
  • If you are bringing things into the studio, make sure they are stable and secure
  • The camera must be attached securely to a tripod if one is being used

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